Brisbane Live Arena enters next phase
Brisbane Live Arena- Roma Street Precinct Masterplan
You will have noticed that the “Brisbane Live Arena” has entered the Business Case Study Stage which means the Queensland State Government is now seriously investigating the Brisbane Live project as a real outcome for the Roma Street Precinct.
As a result, the Queensland State Government has commissioned an independent business case study through Deloitte’s who are taking independent advice from Populous Architects to review the design work that the NRA Collaborative have previously undertaken on behalf of AEG Ogden during the Market Led Proposal phase.
Since then, this potential project has been taken under the wings of the newly constituted Cross-River Rail Authority, who will most likely be the authority to deliver this outstanding project in the future.
It has been incumbent on the Queensland State Government not to use our firm as a consultant because the work currently being carried out is an “independent” review and a business plan based on the submitted concept planning ideas of AEG OGDEN and the NRA Collaborative.
On completion of the business case, likely to be in October this year, we expect that the Queensland State Government will announce its direction and procurement methodology for this exciting project.
It has been through the work of the NRA Collaborative that we have been able to demonstrate the possibility of an entertainment arena in the Roma Street precinct of the Brisbane CBD that will be an enduring asset for Brisbane City moving forward.
Depending on the delivery method chosen by the Queensland State Government, our firm may or may not be involved in a PPP (Public Private Partnership) if that is the chosen methodology of delivery; alternatively, in the ongoing initialising process we will be bidding with an internationally recognised sports architecture firm to deliver the new facility should it move ahead beyond the current business case status.
The NRA Collaborative are proud to have been involved in partnering with AEG Ogden in generating public support for the Brisbane Live Arena concept and we look forward to it receiving positive funding by the Queensland State Government later this year.
Thank you.
Noel Robinson
Managing Director and CEO
Noel Robinson Architects